Japan just killed all of America's modern day mythological comicbook Gods
American comics do not sell anymore, all sales are Japanese.
We're back to the late 80s recession era art/culture and early 90s? ...or maybe as far back as the culture of 1920s and 1930s??...or back to some other weird era in ancient history?
https://otakuusamagazine.com/kodansha-p ... et-demand/
In the cinemas now across the United States of America with the world distracted by politics and Brexit, with Trump not taking the virus serious enough in a new American with Joe Biden printing bailout money? they are re-showing stuff like 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World' a film made back in 2010...the last time they reshowed stuff in cinema Americans were the post Vietnam era recessions, the oil crisis, the downturn recessions of the 70s and 1980s
Scott Pilgrim is a series toons and drawings novels by Canadian author and comic book artist Bryan Lee O'Malley, he writes and draws Japanized style Western drama action stuff in the style of Ranma ½ or other Japan toons for local Canadian people, its a film that did ok many years ago.
They are re-showing it 11 years later...Hollywood has got nothing....shooting blanks....so whats next for American cinematic media, showing old Black and White Godzillia movies for the next 10 years? Maybe putting old Cowboy films, Lone Wolf and Cub, or Seven Samurai films in the cinema to keep them open?
Maybe they can become underground Vaudeville comedy dancing and booze clubs, speakeasy party, juke joints, prohibition party during the lockdowns.
Comicbooks and Cinema? There are only a few places selling International Box Office Movies, you got China and that's really it, America and Japan are close to the same lowest levels, then you have to go to Aus and New Zealand for the movies to make money in the Cinema and Theatre. A Hollywood comicbook movie production costs hundreds of millions to make, the money to be made at some Australia cinema or South Korea cinema or Czech Republic or Russia or Argentina will never be enough to recover their multi million Dollar losses.
The old American film and Comicbook is dead, even Neo Marvel and Neo DC and Superman and Captain America are all dead
it will never be the same

Maybe Covid killed Captain America and Superman?
Comicbooks are changing and maybe it was more than Corona, maybe comics & politik? The political stage show, crazy pendulum swings back and forth between extreme left and extreme right
In a country that loves free speech and an America that tells its patriots a story that it needs more war and filth pornography, you see censorship. You might not like Michael Francis Moore for his activism but he provoked reaction and was Boo'ed at the Oscars. Two Big movies were banned after 911, 'The Profit' and in more modern times 'The Yes Men Fix the World' blocked from making their product due to Bureaucratic Religious Legal Case madness and censored thanks to the Oligarch Autocracy Lawsuits...countless other people of art, journalism, media, comicbooks and film making now have been censored by Religious Zealotry and Jihadism and censored by a Neo-Corporation a BigTech Machine. People today get censored by the Machine that is Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, a sitting US President was censored on social media. The artists some had the plug pulled early, they got their power to their comicbook film studio cut and never got to see their art projects take off.
Senses feel wrong, young adults and kids feel something is off, the last time something on this scale happened, a Great depressive recession came. Back then foreign material would flood America's streets like Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, women from Latin America and Europe sold their Naughty Girl stuff to publishers in NYC who printed scandal drama stores about premarital sex, pregnancy, and childbirth, banned of course... Dostoevsky and other East Europeans were getting their works translated, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, French like Éluard pushed themes of revolution, communism, dada-ism, imperialism and surrealism, a guy called Oswald Spengler born in Blankenburg of the imperial germanic empire wrote about a Decline of the West...these books occasionally had drama scandal these new books with softer political themes were sometimes even banned and censored, T. S. Eliot renouncing his American citizenship, an old Russia film “Battleship Potemkin” or Marx Brothers “Duck Soup” or “The Mikado” censored or “Convention City”, “Zéro de conduite”, “Scarlet Street”, “Oliver Twist” or The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail or MickeyMouse and DonaldDuck and other cartoons and film works were banned for offense, another movie after another was getting itself banned, or blacklisted and shadow banned, the artistic creator blocked from media, getting un-personed, Censored around the World for Social messages? ...George Orwell's work known to America, a book Down and Out in Paris and London replacing sales of America's home grown writing and art.
The original uniquely modern American artistic comicbook movie produce of today has been distorted, the modern comic/film it is now becoming just an Ego Project for some Elite Weirdo Activist. The comic book film produce is now sometimes a foreign weirdo actvist with an agenda, sometimes a rich American weirdo and their own personal Antifa, Gay, BLM, Marxist political statement forced into a movie or comicbook page?
Asia is making better comicbook art wonders that's what young adults and kids think. Maybe now there is a feeling of wrong form of government in the West, the young citizen unhappy with art, this hollyweird gov-cultural link can drastically reduce the amount of culture accepted as genuine. People are feeling everything is over politicized or produced by a fake plastic machine, the Religious Temples and Cultural Art Museums stand empty, the tone deaf rapper crap is produced with no melody no harmony no composition no chords yet this mindless vulgar Rap shit has been accepted by Studio Producers as musical and artistic they push out this Low IQ noise and 'percussive poetry' with cuss words for America's people, the rock people who knew tricks of 3 or 4 chords...these oldies with simple guitar tricks are called genius of today and they ask 'What the Fuck happened?'.
People ask what happened to the artistic heart, what happened to classic rock or old African American inspired blues, even the kids seem to know more than your Casting couch Record Producer does, the new rock is denounced as fake or noisy or not a genuine player, pop music is said to be a fake industry auto tuned a computerized A.I fake DJ software program making better music than a real person, rich multi million dollar talentless rappers lecturing people from the hood and the other visual media, the video game the comicbook itself is also said to be 'wrong'. The US citizen readers will continue to denounce the American's own art, they dislike their own writing and comics, a broken Faith in the Arts and there is now the strange look to foreign lands, buying foreign art productions a worship of foreign Great Works
If its were a Video game quest Japan vs USA, would Japan be winning a Culture/Trade Win?
https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/359 ... e-conquest
Western Cultural Conquest the new Death From Within
All of the Top Comics the Top Graphic Novels are Japanese now, the big sellers will remain Japanese for sometime

Superman is dead and Captain America is dead
...i dunno maybe its the flu virus masks that are making the kids and young adults sub consciously buy that Ninja Anime face-mask stuff?

So why are Japanese comics selling better than American comics and media in the United States of America...maybe its because they are like S.Korea's movie industry showing no shame of being Korean or like the Kurosawa era films, maybe its because they are not hung up on weird political issues, they have their own style and are unapologetically Japanese?
https://goodereader.com/blog/manga-and- ... rt-in-2021
Manga sales off to a strong start in 2021
The US comic industry dies fast.
Maybe its the Islamo-philes, maybe its the Marxist messages that turned kids away from comics... maybe the make everything Gay, Dyke, Homosexual, tranny Lesbian thing, the Negroid-Afro-Phillia ethnomasochism thing, maybe its the Pro-Antifa stuff the Neo-Left messages, Maybe its all the Occult Angst symbols...the Social Justice Movement a confused group of Bolseviks, Feminist, Fascists and Communists that will Eat Themself?
A Libertarian slightly conservative slightly Right Liberal guy Jordan Peterson is now the Red Skull.
Someone offends the Corporate political media, Jordan Peterson's book is a bestseller, but hey he said something that will monetize Social Justice Warriors.
Everything selling on comics today is Japan not America, all selling is about some Anime or Japan Manga...not in Japan...In America, the United States...Japan won

The new gay homosexual Captain America looks like the half-breed bastard love child of Antifa and the Rightwing Q-anon Proud Boys?
https://www.gamesradar.com/marvels-newe ... -activist/
Marvel's newest Captain America is an LGBTQ+ activist
Maybe old senator joe mccarthy arrived too early and was having paranoid hissy fits before anything real happened, a man before his time.
did America's comicbook entertainment media Seppuku Hara kiri and suicide itself?
The comicbook industry and entertainment industry of the USA perhaps suicide bombed itself?
Or maybe
Japan killed Americans comicbook myths and Japanese defeated USA's neo-Gods
Maybe its the Hollyweird Commiefornia club? A woman Schaeffer gets replaced, she wrote the Marvel Studios film Black Widow starring Scarlett Johansson, until she was replaced with Ned Benson, Jacqueline or Jac Schaeffer yeah she probably knows those Masonic Rome Babylon rituals and knows about the Casting Couch blackmail, she is Jewish on her father's side, she does movie but doesn't seem to have much skill making these films yet she got the job and is part of the Big Multi Billion Dollar production club? ...but Japan's magical anime creatures destroying America's new mythical creature, God-slaying of sorts....a Japanese myth killing USA's comicbook neo-Gods
that weird pretentious occult faggot Neil Gaiman didnt see that one coming...this Britbongistan Occult fag credits himself for Japanese animations like Princess Mononoke btw, just dub the shit out of it, American's are too lazy to read subtitles and it might explain why best foreign-language dubs of films into the U.S. market are always a fucking disaster
pedo rape studio Miramax had the deal on Japan animation cartoon flicks, Miramax that was founded by Jewish Israeli Greatest Ally brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein
Neil Richard Gaiman was born on November 10, 1960 in Portchester, England. He was into all that Babylon Masonic Occult shit and originated from a family of Eastern European Jewish decent, the family survived 6 holocausts and 6 gas chambers, got ties to the Pagan Occult Witchcraft clubs and links to homosexual parties from the Church of Scientology...he gave it all a Scientology and 'Debito' and 'Occult' translation, thats why your Engrish dubs and subtitles on anime is always not quiet English weird but kinda shabbos-schlomo-mann-schofill-aldwinckle-stein? The best way to get Lost in Translation is to use a few Eastern Europe Occult phrases, Hebrew Yiddish Londonistani or Scientology translation of Japanized Engrish, a weird translation made even more odd....a Lot of people cried about the death of J-anime, the classics were dead, no more new Mario Sonic Street Fighter Resident Evil Biohazard ideas for games, everything was already done! Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, the Akira, the Macross stuff, all Japan's best entertainment years were behind it, sales would never be back, yet despite its slumps, falls and shit yiddish-scientology style translations, the Japanese media comicbook animation industry seems to be making a HUGE JAPAN COMEBACK
Another possible problem for sales within America, is US comics got hijacked by divisive radioactive toxic politics, the Social Justice Warrior and its Neo Identity Politik, hijacked by Feminism, yes strange as it sounds you do get radical women calling the shots in comics and other weird shit, they run video game companies, the strange Feminism women they make decisions at scifi movies and gamer studios. The American comic, it got taken over by that SJW-ism or Identity Politics or Antifa-ism or Gay-ism or Afro-ism or Pro-Jihad-ism might have taken over comics. Maybe comic books were about good stories and old fantasy scifi escape-ism, when politcis got forced into books people got tired of Politics in American comics and perhpas it made the kids and young people tried of the industry, they bought a Jpn instead of a forced narrative of political bullshit
Every Avengers or Captain Superman team these days seems to be changing their history or identity for whatever reason, the Super dude is now a Super Dyke or Super Captain goes trans-racial and becomes Black or goes Gay and gets Muslim or whatever, the kids cartoons have weird perverted messages in them?
a real-life Professor in Canada Jordan Bernt Peterson at the University of Toronto is now a 'Nazi'
https://bookandfilmglobe.com/comics/jor ... cret-wars/
The comicbook artists and writers were paid peanuts
https://collider.com/ed-brubaker-earns- ... r-soldier/
Ed Brubaker Says He Earns More From His MCU Cameo Than From Co-Creating the Winter Soldier
“Being a co-creator of the Winter Soldier, I should not have to worry about providing for my wife."
The Ms. Marvel’s became Miss Muzlim?
Warner Bros and DC comics then fired its CEOs and Editors for being Rapists and Rapey, there was Weinstein Epstein shit going on, Fires Showrunner After Sexual Harassment, tv shows like 'Smallville' got weird, stars and human trafficking and alleged sex cult https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/c ... ba8d80017a then news about an international cult called ' Nxivm '
https://www.artvoice.com/2020/06/21/the ... a-mystery/
Then Marvel even hired an Indonesian artist Ardian Syaf who added the jihad images and pro-islamist messages into comics. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ewish.html
Regarding the meaning of these details in his artwork, Syaf cautioned against believing what is read on social media, but encouraged readers to buy the issue, as it would become a rare collectible. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/04/09 ... yesterday/ He eventually acknowledged the political nature of the hidden messages
But what about the good old days of WW2 propaganda, the Boomer years and post War comics?
I guess comics could offend and do almost any subject, at one time comics were propanda tools of the military, after the War they became more Liberal, then mccarthyism comic code authority...everyone was a commie...The Hollywood blacklist contained the name of Charlie Chaplin who was accused of being a communist...so the comicbook stories once again got juvenile and silly and cartoonish so not to offended...then it got more free over the years...now its ruined again, muslims offended by toons, people make death threats against South Park and Charlie Hebdo
then Social Justice Warriors took over comics culture and everything was an offense?
Every Rioter or Criminal in a comic is an offensive stereotype according to the SJWs of the Industry, every StarWars scene is suddenly offending some Gay acvistist or some Feminist, every Orc or Goblin in a Video Game or Board Game is Racialist or Racism? https://www.polygon.com/2020/6/23/21300 ... -of-strahd ....Not All Goblin Orcs the idiots say, Are Orc Goblins Racist? Are Everythings RACISM All Everywhere RacialRacistRacialism??
https://www.spectator.co.uk/2019/05/wri ... offensive/
Writers blocked: Even fantasy fiction is now offensive
An industry already doing its best to block creation, stop the free artist thought and media doing its best to destroy itself
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movie ... 34947599/#!
Behind Warner Bros.’ Search for a Black Superman
https://www.cbr.com/captain-america-nic ... ck-female/
The Marvel Introduces a New Black Female Captain America
https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/04/ ... n-america/
Marvel To Debut New Black Female Captain America
https://news.yahoo.com/warner-bros-dc-s ... 45794.html
Warner Bros., DC to select Black director for Black Superman movie
Eric July Perfectly Explains The Problem With Hollywood’s Current Superhero Movies
https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/04/ ... ro-movies/
Eric July recently explained the problem with Hollywood’s current superhero movies with emphasis on Spider-Man and Birds of Prey.
July explained the problem in a recent video uploaded to YouTube titled “Comic book film and TV are vanity projects for weirdos and activists.”
An African American guy tells Hollywood stop trying to make all Superheroes Black or Feminist or Gay
When does the Clownworld stupidity stop...
Is Batman gay? Is Batman a Shemale Black Tranny Asian Moslem thing?
At one time DC was the King, I guess Superman and Wonder Woman were god-like back in the days, DC was winning with its Batmans and Wonder Womans and Supermans, a change came in the early 60s with less godly more flawed or more grounded characters like the Xmens, the Spider-Man
https://zak-site.com/Great-American-Nov ... sales.html
If you read the numbers, Comicbook sales started to fall in the late 60s and 1970s and have been on the decline since, competition came from Japan and Indie American comics and foreign brands like 'Watchmen, The Crow' or Judge Dredd, but the Big American Marvel DC brand stayed, they would once in a while regain sales with some stunt a Neo-Batman or Captain America Reborn, new re-launch or Death of Superman, Death of Captain America but sales always dropped.
Sometimes numbers would pop up again but Trends were typically Down, the Standard mean or Average was always Down...Sales of America's comicbook mythology were dropping each and every year.
however as artistic media 'properties' they held value, the names Spider-Man or whatever were still valuable.
Warner Bros movie studio owned much of DC comics they owned Batman and Wonder Woman and Superman, Marvel owned a lot more superhero 'ideas' but Marvel as a Company Product Brand started to go bankrupt in the 90s, a lot of Marvel was sold, Sony for example owns the movie rights to many more Marvel characters than just Spider-Man. It's not just Venom, either. In fact, Sony has the rights to over 900 characters from Marvel's catalog, Marvel later would buy back its own brands and produce multi million and multi Billion Dollar hits like Ironman, Avengers etc then it changes, Disney now bought and owned Marvel as a whole in recent times.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is worth something like $8,542,800,000 + Billion combined, its worth the GDP of small medium sized nation, worth more money than all Batman, all StarWars, all POtter, all 007 Bond movies combined.
All the movies are on hold, post poned, they were in pre-production, in castings, almost in Post Produced, just Announced...the Film seats in the Cinema are graveyards, the virus has made a Cinemtaic Apocalypse Wasteland.
After Corona the California Hollywood film industry dies
The Oscars were on and nobody watched.
Covid now has killed the US comicbook
Every name is Japan now
Streaming Anime, Binge-Readers Lift Manga Sales
https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by- ... sales.html
I guess in a ways these were America's 'Gods' like Greek, Chinese, Arabia, Indian folklore and like Roman myths. The comicbook and the Comiccon thing was the modern mythology and entertainment of the United States, ancient dress up and folklore for a new nation. People took the old comic strips of Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Stan Lee, Kirby, make them new. Maybe America's new gods were old gods with face lifts maybe they were inspired older American stories by Flash Gordon, the Norse gods, Robin Hood, Japanese folklore 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, Frankenstein horror art, the religious Moses in a Basket Story, German and Salvic and Spanish Folkore, John Carter of Mars books inspired by other CaptainAmericas and Supermen and made them into modern entertainment properties for cartoons, books, video games and movies, America's new modern gods of sorts.
I feel the industry peaked some years ago, the industry was running out of ideas, it was Hollywood doing a new darker spin re-imagined and remakes a continuation maybe of an old Superman movie, the old Hulk tv series, the Batman JMS Joseph Michael Straczynski doing Thor comics and Thor movies, Joss Whedon doing Xmen comics doing Avengers movies, everyone wanted the Rightwing Murica first Frank Miller or the Leftwing Hippe weirdo Alan Moore, Heath Ledger portrayed the Joker in The Dark Knight and the Christopher Nolan films were considered 'High Art'
Now its all near dead
Maybe a few of the Big Great studios will survive.
People are spending money on Manga, overseas animation studios are popping up, you see the Japan and other overseas logos, the Toei Animation grows, you see a bunch of foreign exotic names taking over the Stores that remained Open, the traditional US Comicbook shopping is dying in America while and Kyoto Animation, Demon Slayer, Shueisha, Kodansha, attack on Titan, some French or maybe S.Korea or other nations logo.
Everyone is now buying Manga over whatever American comics are coming out.
https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/ ... hic-novels
Corona has finally killed the US comicbook, graphic novel, comics trade industry, Covid was the final nail in the coffin.
The United States used to have the biggest comicbook companies, in the end the TV shows were going all comicbooks, the biggest Comic Book Sales were the USA, every box office movie were based on some DC Marvel Superhero Avengers Justice League thing. Everything was becoming some Superman Spider-Man thing but now
the movies flop
and the comicbook sales also dive, Writers and Artists now out of a job in USA.
Most of the comicbook writers and artists will be claiming Welfare Benefit,
as much as one third of DC Comics’ editorial staff was laid off yesterday amid huge cuts at WarnerMedia in general. DC was hit hard, losing almost an entire level of editorial executives — but many familiar industry figures were also let go. As scattered as people are due to COVID-19, the comics community felt yesterday intensely and came together to urge support for most who lost their jobs.
https://www.comicsbeat.com/dcs-new-espo ... th-monday/
Although Marvel made BILLIONS. Stan the Man Lee probably wasnt all that rich, born Stanley Martin Lieber is credited as one of the guys for modernizing the comicbook
his family were probably fighting over the million dollars at the time of his death, they would ship him around the conventions to sign autograph after signature to make money at conventions
Jack Kirby or Jacob Kurtzberg probably earned even less than Lee, his writing and art style compared to Cubist, Futurist, Primitivist and outsider art, the family have tried to sue DC and Marvel studios, Kirby's children "sued Marvel to terminate copyrights and gain profits from Kirby's comic creations."
Sales were thought to be always big in America. In France, the Comic Books are Serious Business, in S.Korea big sales, they are big in Italy the Italian spin on how to story board a visual fantasy scifi adventure, other comic sales in Canada, to focus a little on Japan. Sales in Jpn almost as big as America, they were in the equivalent of almost $13 billion USD
I have a bunch of comics stored some place, imagine an old Warehouse of general stuff or Storage Wars, I hope there are no oil leaks or drips in a roof because I think some of those comics are worth something. I'll have to phone an old friend about this. I was never a big comicbook reader but I still have a few boxes of comics in store, dropped off that I will maybe one day have to sell off, give some one a gift or sort out one day from, boxes in storage with lots and lots of comics days long long ago. I know some guys who moved around and they used to dump stuff as they moved. I know some of them might have worked with selling this stuff it would be interesting to hear what they think of the massive shifting change happening in the industry. I know some links and chains and warehouses and suppliers are starting to collapse now, nobody is making print, no orders are delivered, the supply chain has totally collapsed.
According to NPD BookScan, the manga buying spree continues in 2021. Sales of print manga titles in the U.S. increased by 3.6 million units in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020.
“Last year was our biggest year ever, despite the pandemic, and 2021 numbers are off the charts,” says Lianne Sentar, sales and marketing manager at Seven Seas Entertainment. “Based on what we’re seeing in these first few months, 2021 will be the biggest year yet—we’ve truly never seen numbers like these.”
https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by- ... sales.html
Kevin Hamric, v-p, publishing sales at Viz Media, says most publishers reported that manga sales were off to a strong start in 2020 before the pandemic hit, and by April manga sales had plummeted to “the lowest sales we’ve had in years.” But he adds that the market quickly recovered and has been on an upward trajectory ever since. “Even if 2020 had stayed on the track, 2021 is head-and-shoulders ahead. These past few weeks of 2021 are higher than holiday 2020.”
Kurt Hassler, publisher and managing director at Yen Press, a joint manga and graphic novel venture between Hachette and Japanese publisher Kadokawa, also noticed the buying trends. “For the first quarter of 2021, we saw our sales functionally double, which is well beyond anything we were forecasting,” he says.
Kodansha USA Publishing reports similar results according to Kodansha v-p of sales and marketing Yae Sahashi. “Print manga sales rocketed to a new high over holiday 2020 and, after a plateau in January, rose even higher in March and April,” she says. “In recent weeks, point of sale for the category has quadrupled year over year, even if you discount the negative impact of Covid-19 on sales last March.”
The anime effect
What’s driving all this sales growth? Some industry professionals say it’s a sign of a maturing market in which manga has established itself as part of mainstream pop culture, placing the category at the forefront of graphic novel sales, if not overall book sales in North America. Others say the growing popularity of anime on such streaming platforms as Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, and the anime-centric platform Crunchyroll is fueling interest in its source material: print manga and light novels (illustrated prose works influenced by manga and anime).
“Anime and online fan communities are always the biggest drivers of manga sales,” Sahashi says. “We believe there’s been renewed and excited interest in anime, with new audiences brought in with each new season. Anime is now easier to watch wherever and whenever via platforms like Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Funimation. Many of the anime premiering right now were delayed from 2020 into 2021 due to the pandemic, which may be partly why spring manga sales have surpassed holiday sales for the first time.”
Sentar adds that “anime is driving much of this business, and it will continue to expand as countries—Japan and otherwise—tap into the hungry international market for adult animation.”
Anime is one of the fastest-growing categories at Netflix, which reported a 100% lift in anime viewing in 2020 compared to 2019, according to its 2020 Year in Review video report.
https://comicbook.com/anime/news/manga- ... side-2021/
Manga Is Causing an "Explosion" in Graphic Novel Sales Stateside
Maybe its a good thing the big two companies have been finally killed
Maybe smaller Indie American companies will pop
or Perhaps it will get dumb, like everything will be some video game comic thing.
or maybe its going to be weird for America and they will be reading that weirdly horror school girl odd tentacle porn shit that Japanese salary men read on the trains?
The US is losing soft power, Hollywood is dying
https://gameruprising.to/index.php?thre ... ing.19949/
'Combined with the end of the movie industry and transition to streaming, the US is simply nowhere near where it was in terms of soft power in the 80s. Everyone in places like Russia and Poland with above-average levels of intelligence knows how batshit insane the country is. Only some peasant-like people still believe in the US meme.
As time passes more and more people will start realizing how big of a mess US is. And the end of the movie industry will be a big blow. Right now, Hollywood is parasiting off of old IPs like Star Wars and the Marvel Universe, Fast and Furious and milking them dry '