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Attacks on Pete Buttigieg for paternity leave are homophobic, misogynist and bad for business. ... cna1281902
Several miles of trucks queued up near British Port of Dover ... 021-12-16/
Buraku wrote:California Democrats have made thieves more and more brazen ... 497707001/
Guest column: New California epidemic — mass looting ... nt-page-1/
Fourteen Looting Suspects Released on California’s ‘Zero Bail’ Rule ... bail-rule/
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...¡Ay, caramba! ...AOC criticized for looting denial ... ing-denial
Famed upmarket LA mall The Grove adds barbed wire-style coiled fence to try and deter looting ... oting.html
It is the unfortunate consequence of policies like Proposition 47 that reduced penalties on property thefts less than $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor. This means no prison time. Charges for grand larceny (a felony) now require thefts of more than $950 — more than double the previous threshold of $400.
Now, not only will a thief steal more without facing a felony charge, they may steal again, and again, and again, without serious consequences. Each theft is counted as a single incident. The law allows for serial thefts. Thieves can repeat their criminal behavior as long as they don’t steal more than $950 in each larceny.
And year after year, Sacramento Democrats continue to pass laws that strip the ability of law enforcement and prosecutors to deter this lawless behavior.
District attorneys are left helpless to bring accountability to criminal thefts.
matsuki wrote:yes, he still has to pay CA taxes, and federal taxes.
As a cop for 11 yrs in St. Louis I never once worked a burglary where the broken glass and debris at the entry point was OUTSIDE the residence.
Buraku wrote:
'Pelosi Was Most Likely Attacked By a Male Prostitute'
San Francisco Police Dispatcher Describes “David” as “a Friend” in Pelosi House Call
No normal, functioning society should ever tolerate what happens in Seattle.
The fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams, and you can see it with your own eyes. If you live in a major city, all you have to do is walk around, and you’ll find many signs that our core urban centers are decaying, and just about every sort of evil that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us.
Our so-called leaders continue to make stupid decisions, and now we are all going to reap the consequences. Predators are roaming our streets. American families are collapsing. Traditional moral values have been completely discarded. Young people are running wild in the streets, lawlessness is growing, and our system of government is melting down in plain sight.
Analysts with ZeroHedge pointed out that there’s a sudden panic leading Americans to search for a way out of our society. Research has shown that the number of people in the U.S. searching for the term “live off-grid” on the Internet has hit the highest level in five years.
The driving force behind finding a rural piece of land for dirt cheap, buying or building a tiny home, installing solar panels, and sourcing your own food and water might have to do with the worst inflation storm in a generation, the experts noted. The worst housing affordability crisis in history and the deterioration of people’s confidence in our institutions are driving many to try to become independent from our system because they can already feel that it is only a matter of time before everything starts crumbling down.
As economic conditions get worse, people are becoming more desperate. This is fueling a shoplifting wave all over the country, and some grocery stores are being forced to implement extreme measures right now. A new report by the Washington Post reveals that Giant Food stores are taking all Tide, Colgate, and Advil products off the shelves completely because theft has become an enormous problem.
The grocer is also clearing its beauty and health aisles of all national labels. Shoppers also will have to present their receipts to an employee before exiting the store. Executives said the decision was made to prevent the stores from shutting down.
Moreover, when people can’t trust our major institutions, it’s just a matter of time before they start breaking down. And a new Gallup poll shows that Americans do not believe in those that are currently running our country. The study found that only 8% of Americans trust Congress, while just 14% trust Big Business, and the rate same said they believe in Television news.
Worryingly, the poll uncovered that only 17% of Americans trust the justice system. About 26% trust in the federal government, and only 32% believe in the church. In other words, the majority of the population can tell that the foundations of our society are solid enough at this point in time.
If we stay on this path, our future will be doomed. As a society, we need to turn around and reverse course immediately. We are literally destroying ourselves, but things have been wrong for so long, that many people don’t even notice it anymore. Deep changes must happen soon. Otherwise, we are going to see things happen in the years ahead that will completely shock all of us.
Today, we compiled several facts and stats that help to illustrate the social insanity that is going on all over America. Some of the things we’re about to share with you can be disturbing, but we must look at our issues to understand what is happening to our country. Here are 15 Signs That Social Insanity Is Eating America Like A Cancer.
Here’s the List 1 A mass exodus from liberal cities has begun
2 Our major cities are degenerating into rotting, decaying hellholes
3 San Francisco has become known worldwide for a very shameful problem
4 Famous public parks are being described as “lawless”
5 Even state governors are bluntly admitting that U.S. urban areas have a “major crime problem”
6 Our schools are being absolutely flood with fentanyl
7 More people are trying to live off-grid
8 Young Americans are becoming delinquents
9 Pestilences are raging in many areas of the nation
10 Supermarkets are taking essential products off the shelves because of rampant shoplifting rates
11 Retailers are losing thousands of dollars every day as brazen theft continues to escalate
12 Authorities continue to blame the victims instead of the actual offenders
13 Confidence in our institutions is eroding
14 Our population doesn’t have faith in God anymore
15 Our priorities have gotten way out of whack
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