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Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:So there is ONE member ("Buraku") left here?
wagyl wrote:Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:So there is ONE member ("Buraku") left here?
Correlation is not always evidence of causation, but sometimes it is.
Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:
Even the mods gave up on FG?
matsuki wrote:Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:
Even the mods gave up on FG?
I think Taro lost his PW and is locked out
Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:haha I hooked up a freebie prefab forii if any of the poor buggers locked out / looking to register here at FG want to have a spew:
GomiGirl wrote:So... as I was saying...
Like Floyd, dude was a career criminal with all kinds of disgusting history. Not Martyr material.
For his own and others safety, guy should have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution. Same with a large % of the homeless.
Various social media users took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the controversy.
Judge Joe Brown doesn’t hold back on Kamala Harris
Kamala Is So Unpopular With Blacks, She Needs Degenerate Rappers Who Sing About Their Pussies To Open For Her
Buraku wrote:Everyone logged off and got the fuck away from Clown-World? The World is indeed stranger than fiction
in scifi fantasy this would be all too unbelievable as a book or movie, could you imagine having a Time Machine and going back and telling yourself Trump will be President but also that people of the USA would go out and riot and they Loot and Burn their own cities over a career criminal named George Floyd?
how stupid have we become
The robots have been passing that old 'Turing Test' for a while now. The web will become a normie confused schizo NPC shithole, you won't be able to figure who is AI or not.
So i'll give the question a go, and its a different world now ... here at FG for a while it was Gaijin pic of the day or Nihonjin photos or a discussion
'Never buy another Sony computer'....and it was 'Free'
that Justice For Nick Baker shithole Japantoday somehow is still around
but the web is different and what is left of it now is Facerbooked normie or its Balkanized.
Where are they? They all moved on, died, got afraid to post ever again, had families, people hang out in their smaller community phone small group chatrooms, the 'WhatsApp' and the world has gone so strange that the Communists the Chinese 'TikTok' sites might even be more free than Western sites.
a lot of the Millionaire and Billionaire kids are busy with language and some of the really paranoid are doing drill with their 'Nuclear Bunkers'
they are not learning German or Japanese or French but learning Chinese
The web it all moved on got very Balkanized while everyone got offended by everything
and this site is ancient. VERY OLD
after the dot com crash there were a lot of sites like this, not really like this FG but 'Free' bbs community
For the posh elite old programmers it all died in the early was 'Eternal September' or the September that never ended an event in the early mid 90s, when Internet service providers opened up and the filth and riff raff and commoners joined...its was the end of it all they said
A lot of the web was defeated it got Balkanized and MindFuck Brainwashed and Normalized...but old Websites like Slashdot might outlive the net itself
I think FG was around just after 911 or was it? but there is a few Anonymous community that might be older again and ni-chan or 2chan was a thing, the attention whore 'Myspace' was becoming a thing,
e-commerce and online shopping had not really started
Geocities was everywhere and the net looked something like this, Jeeps?
health ... sclist.htm
or this Deep Science or maybe or Kacy DVDs?
as stupid as the web looked it as 'free'
Then came 10 mins of you-tube 'Cat' vids and Facebore with Mark Fuckerberg and the web looked something like this
'Conspiracy' radio was playing catch up, the propaganda of Pravada RussiaToday or AlexJonesInfoWars had not got moving yet...
People put all their details online for the Street Shitter scammers and hackers to steal ... ok-website
In the mean time it all became more Brainwashed by the Machine it becomes more 'Body Snatchers' it went 'Bot' or 'Village of the Damned' or Cloned, eventually the NPC mongrel mutt of the internets offended by everything, the Normie Bot would be born. The Normie Bot can be either Left or Right the real key to the Normie is to scoop out the brain of a normal person and fill that brain with Bush or Obama nonsense and the Normie is born, it does not think for itself.
The mini Bush beat Gore, 911 bin Laden is in Afghanistan...the world's number-1 terrorist they can't find him.... so Bomb Iraq and pass the 'Patriot Act' then came Obama and everything and everyone accused of being 'Racist'... Bush breaks the debt clock 10 Trillion, Obama adds more Trillions!
During Bush and Obama the web went 'Hacktivist' for a while, some just played video games or 'vices' porn and gambling
but there was also a WikiLeaks culture, Aaron Swartz or People went to that reddit shithole which kind of looks ok-ish ...maybe like this but reddit is far worse
The scam emails are getting better, the Hindu Street Shitters are coming up with new ideas on how to steal money online.
Next its 'Gamergate'
a freak show joins the web the reddit pervert transexuals, Ellen Pao she wants to fuck some Black Gay Criminal a faghag,
then its election time and Steve Huffman reddit normies love Open Borders and then 'islamism has nothing to do with islam' so reddit tries to cover up and censor Mass shooting at an Orlando, Florida nightclub, not sure who is calling shots at reddit today maybe Serena Williams or the Saudi or the Jew or a transexual from the Pentagon or Snoop Dogg, and Jared Leto, I think its mostly AI bots now....and an alternative 'Fredrick Brennan' a midget, the new 4Chan thing, HotWheels is 'Master' not like Blaster is the brawn when it comes to running the Underworld, located underneath Bartertown, posts listed prominently through a program called "King of the Shekel"...-Q-Anon would be born out of this Hotwheels Shekel Underworld madness ... -behind-it
then Creeps came in, Aimee Knight née Challenor is a British transgender activist and former politician, reddit is populated by political weirdos.
Reddit really hated that whole 'Maga' thing ... -subreddit
and ... tive-order and ... -involved/
Trump might win again!? again!!?
British Quit Europe? Boris Johnson finally gets Brexit done, Boris Johnson gets Covid, then Donald Trump gets Covid.
The Fat Morbidly Obese Asthmatic fuck who looks like a monster out of Frank Herbert's Dune books NJ Gov 'Chris Christie' gets Covid and survives...but it kills and youre dead they say!
How dare you Not take those Booster shots! the booster vaccines are working! We're all going to die from Corona they say, the Covid is the end of the world they said...
Aus wants to be a prison colony again
Trudeau in Canada calls his Truckers all 'Racists' and 'Sexists', he closes bank accounts of people using government powers.
in the mean time during this 'Lockdown' the Borders are Open, millions of illegals and some genuine refugees and islamics smuggled into the USA and Europe, human trafficking, gun runners, human abuse and the US-Mexico border and 100,000 dying from illegally imported drugs.
It got kind of crazy Kamala Harris protests with Jussie Smollett the Hate Crime Hoax, RussiaRussia Pissgate, rumors on HunterBiden are fake they say!
reddit wants to ban stuff that offends the Democrat or Hillary party, then came Trump momentum ....and it got worse than ever, bannings and censorship.
idiots during Corona virus lockdowns went out and rioted for this criminal George Floyd, not just in America but across the Western World. The media played the knee on the head footage again and again like a brainwashing 'Occult' ritual and so the mob is controlled, they riot and burn and murder and looted and destroyed their own cities in the USA.
Discussion in BeyondFucked Political Erections of rioters went something like this
Like Floyd, dude was a career criminal with all kinds of disgusting history. Not Martyr material.
For his own and others safety, guy should have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution. Same with a large % of the homeless.
Then political talking heads they say Jan6 was like 911 or Pearl Harbor, they mark anniversary, the crazy hot head loud mouth Trump with an ego bigger than the Moon he shouts, he wanted more votes found so all the Tea Party and Q-Anon loons are out and a riot United States the BigTech arrives and decides to ban Trump from everything online and maybe ban anyone who even mentions his name online...eventually Trump makes a 'blog' he builds TruthSocial which seems to be a very boring site, little debate and filled mostly with people who kiss his ass...but its the start of something different a type of 'Alt Web'
Biden is in, there is no really honey moon period and the Corona numbers get even worse
USA, India, France, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Croatia, Russia some of the worst Corona numbers and Deaths in the world, Russia invades Ukraine and might be counting its dead soldiers as 'Corona Deaths'
the Nationalist Hindu of India tells its people to drink Cow Piss as a cure.
The web begins to question Biden, the UFC MMA guy 'Dana White' starts talking positive about Trump...people flee California like refugees flee Ukraine, a mass exodus not seen since Biblical times because of shithole Commiefornia politics.
People get banned for Fat-Jokes ... 03685.htmlVarious social media users took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the controversy.
but in all this madness an Alternative Net is slowly born on Rumble, Saidit, Bitchute, Odysee people even go back to the old bbs sites
Musk buys Twitter its now called 'X' some want to flee to Mastodon or Discord another social network
it seems to be more difficult to get banned Joe Brown doesn’t hold back on Kamala Harris
Pete Buttigieg forgets how roads work everything is blocked and backed up, War in Ukraine, Israel Palestine shitshow has another tv season the islamic terrorists kill Jews and Israel bombs them to death from the skies, Frogistan wants to burn itself down like a George Floyd riot, Africa kicks out USA and France and loves Putin, Brics is getting stronger, Yemen shoots off drones and new Yemen missiles and Yemen stops world shipping, Venezuela wants Guyana, Russia military ships arriving in Cuba, North Korea is back doing its missiles, Taliban take Kabul, Macron rigs another election, USA is spending like crazy...
the nutjob Rightwing Samuel Jared Taylor is still hoping for a type of 'American Renaissance',
Benjamin Fulford is sounding more crazy than ever, the mainstream media says Rumble is scary and actively courts intellectual dark web figures but I see a lot of 'Power Slap' videos and less Richard Dawkins or Benjamin Fulford
a lot of the Patriot Christian types went to 'Gab' they have memes...I hear a lot of US Republicans refuse to go there because there are people at Gab who criticize Greatest Ally or the 'Kapparot' or Kapores blood rituals...a Japan guy who worked on US comics, Sinfest Viva La Resistance
Corbett Report is still going since 2007–
'The Gaza Holocaust'
debt is 30 something TRILLION!
All this just needs a Piano, Bass Guitar and Drum Beat now, not Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony that softly sung country 'Alt Reich Racist' but maybe more rage like "Didn't Start the Fire" some Billy Joel words and chords...maybe an artificial intelligence robot will play piano maybe AI can do it?
or maybe tone deaf rap is more appropriate
Feeding Time!? Is So Unpopular With Blacks, She Needs Degenerate Rappers Who Sing About Their Pussies To Open For Her
Rapper Megan Thee Stallion performs 'Savage' at VP Kamala Harris' rally in Atlanta Georgia.
Liveleak is dead it used to have uncensored breaking news...maybe its replacement is Vidmax?
The song Megan Thee Stallion is performing discusses how "any ni**a I let hit is still attached... but you know this p*ssy fat." ... en-for-her
and now they finally admit Joe Biden possibly has senile dementia and they replace him with a Female Joker that cackles...but hey feminism! a First Gentleman and she's ethnically diverse.
GomiGirl wrote:So... as I was saying...
GomiGirl wrote:So... as I was saying...
Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:
Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:
A few threads up and running over there now.
Tell Taro.
matsuki wrote:Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:Thanatos' embalmed botfly wrote:
A few threads up and running over there now.
Tell Taro.
Another forum? But why?
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