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Encarmine wrote:Love of Japanese culture and society aside, there's nothing for me in this country, and I was never one for patriotism. Plus I have personal reasons related to family, which I'd rather not talk about for obvious reasons.
And I'm certainly not planning to go there because I want to sleep with Japanese women (and I find it insulting that anyone would accuse me of being that shallow). I have a genuine and unshakeable interest in Japan as a whole, and unless I manage to finish writing that dream novel of mine, then there's nothing else I'd rather do than help build bridges between cultures, regardless of whether I can influence everyone I teach.
Call me a wide-eyed idealist if you will, but I've got a dream and a desire to help people.
chokonen888 wrote:If so, I am the king of shallow
chokonen888 wrote:If so, I am the king of shallow
Coligny wrote:Judging by the nick name, gentlemen, what we got here is locally called a "Ouech-Ouech" due to his limited speech abilities centered around the repetition of this non dictionnary-approved word.
Called "jeune de banlieue" by the media and the locale police force he is the French equivalent of the english plague called "Chav" but differ sufficiently in his taste for sport outfit brand to be hunted down without any possible mistake by the authorities.
Clothing of choice: Addidas and Nike
Car: Mostly beater Peugeot with tuning parts from the local hardware store.
Music: anything sounding bad enough to make your ears bleed with a pseudo social message behind. (mostly aboot his love for drugs, hate for work/police/society but need for state provided allowance).
Can be violent and dangerous but only if he's at a 10 to 1 superiority ratio. Below that can prove to be extremly fast on his feets.
Now, all this backyard psychology being based only on a nickname, I can be so fooking wrong that it's not even funny. Because if you were to trust my nickname I should be a dead protestant hung by the balls centuries ago instead of a still breathing godless neo-com(unist) with a bad case of pr0n addiction.
Sa_Race wrote:Now I'm a godless neo-communist who wants to kill the smallest president in the world. No prOn addiction though...
Sa_Race wrote:Now I'm a godless neo-communist who wants to kill the smallest president in the world.
No prOn addiction though...
SWMBO (aka swimbo):
Acronym for She Who Must Be Obeyed. Term of endearment for one's wife/girlfriend (or resignation to the nature of your relationship).
The term originates from the H. Rider Haggard novel, "She" (first published 1886). The character Ayesha, known as She-who-must-be-obeyed, the Queen of Death, the White Goddess,of the lost city of Kôr who rules her kingdom with terror, She is the very image of the Femme Fatale. To disobey her or to scorn her is to earn & receive instantaneous death.
bichiguso wrote:Hello, I'm a long-time lurker. I've been religiously reading FG for 6-7 years now, but only got around to remembering my password today.
bichiguso wrote:Hello, I'm a long-time lurker. I've been religiously reading FG for 6-7 years now, but only got around to remembering my password today.
nikoneko wrote:I actually like JP keyboards better
Coligny wrote:Yeah... the smaller than usefull spacebar, useless keys, clusterfuck of label printed on the keys and randomisation beyond comprehension of the special characters and punctuation keys make them a real pleasure...
eskatonia wrote:Hi, I've been lurking here a while and living in Osaka for about 6 months. Just posted the music video up that I worked on with another Australian and it was pointed out that I haven't introduced myself.
So far I'm managing to survive in Japan without teaching english. I work professionally in post production and video editing and am getting by on a combination of some remote work over the internet and short term contracts in Tokyo / Shanghai. It helps that my partner (not japanese) is here on a long term contract in the JET program, so she has a steady income and that got me a 3 year dependent visa.
We both love it here, planning to stick around at least 3-4 years. so Howdy all!
Taro Toporific wrote:Ooooh, I feel your pain.
As a "favor" to a friend, I teach junior high school science classes in English on Saturday to returnees and they always embarrassing me on kanji knowledge even though 18 years ago I have passed Kanji Kentei level 8.
eskatonia wrote:I'm from Australia, Sydney, my girlfriend (now my wife seems strange to say that) is from England.
Coligny wrote:How do you manage the language barrier ?
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