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Coligny wrote:Hope your cybahhtraku is still on undefined
wagyl wrote:Oh dear Matsuki. The video is worth watching, if only to answer some of your musings.
It doesn't really matter what caused the fire, it is the fact that there were lithium batteries which got to a dangerous temperature by some cause or other, which means that any fire is unable to be contained. Such that the emphasis of current activity is to stop the steel hull structure collapsing, because putting the fire out is an impossibility. You just have to wait for 250 tons of lithium to burn itself out.
It doesn't really matter that something is low risk, when the consequences are catastrophic.
Commercial airliners are low risk, but the consequences of those rare accidents are large, so we have black boxes and investigations.
Coligny wrote:Electric regrets from first time buyers.
“Electric cars are like diarrhea, you never know if you can make it home in time”
Buraku wrote:Elon Musk accuses South African radicals of pushing for white genocide ... -qk5d3m58f
I've said this before but it's worth repeating: World history is defined by the following simple rule. There are two groups on either side of a river. Each covets various resources from the other group. The only thing that stops a perpetual conflict between the two groups is the realization by each group that the other will respond in equal measure (or worse) if attacked. Now imagine that the West has decided to throw away this defining dynamic that shapes this fundamental historical reality. Defending what is ours is rooted in our genes; it is a central feature of our human nature. But the West has said that we are so progressive, so empathetic, so enligteneed that we are not bound by pediastrian biology. Hence, we will not defend our culture; we will not defend our heritage; we will not defend our religion; we will not defend our women; we will not defend our children; we will not defend our values. According to our Western leaders, only barbarians worry about such defensive concerns. We are open, tolerant, kind, compassionate, welcoming. No amount of evidence can convince us that other groups might do us harm. And hence, we brainwash our children who become our politicians; we rejoice in the rape of our societies because this proves that we are kind. It is a mixture of what I discussed in The Parasitic Mind and what I'll be presenting to the world in my next book Suicidal Empathy. I frankly am running out of optimism; I'm bereft of hope. I fight every day at great personal and professional cost. But how can you change anything when your society is hellbent on committing orgiastic suicide?
After a public standoff with a judge over X and Starlink’s operations in the country, Elon Musk is showing signs of wavering.
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