Independent: Overfishing could wipe out bluefin tuna
Japan Times: Japan imports illegally caught tunaThis has been a catastrophic year for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean. The enormous fish, which provides the key ingredient for sushi, Japan's unofficial national dish, is being caught in such vast numbers that scientists fear its commercial extinction is looming. Iccat, the International Commission for the Conservation of the Atlantic Tuna...estimates that between 45,000 and 50,000 tons were caught. Iccat is meant to police the industry but the WWF believes that it is failing in its duties...The overfishing is due to the explosive growth of hi-tech tuna ranching...schools of tuna are spotted by planes, caught in purse-seine nets by fast fishing fleets, towed ashore, and fattened in nets anchored offshore until big enough to be slaughtered, blast-frozen and shipped to Japan...Mr Guglielmi said: "The Japanese...have such a huge investment in the industry in the Mediterranean, and they are beginning to realise they could lose it all."
FG Thread: "Big money stripping"Japan has imported thousands of tons of bluefin tuna caught by Turkey in the Eastern Atlantic in violation of international agreements, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature...The amount of Turkey's catch in 2004 is unknown, but it is known to have exported more than 3,900 tons to Japan that year.