In other news, some nutjob tried to attack the wrong car and jumped on the hood of the car his son was in
Musk family is gonna need their own secret service...
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Coligny wrote:Yup, saw that and some contrarian morons are complaining that by posting a picture of the assaillant and his #plate he is doxxing him…
Maybe Fauci’s poke really work but to make people more stupid…
matsuki wrote:
The media is conveniently leaving out the attack on his son story....the intellectual dishonesty that passes for "journalism" these days is disgusting.
Coligny wrote:Ehmmm… just picture starlink data mining guiding all teslas on the road to hunt for the guy…
And that would not even be science fiction… that’s more in the category of “why has it not been turned on yet…”
Coligny wrote:Can’t wait to see our fav electrofag in the Cibaatraku stuck at the logmahal hoping for a thunderstorm to charge it up…
(How to recharge a nukular aircraft carrier at sea:)
Coligny wrote:Look what I fucking found !!!!
And I can idle at 1l/hour simultaneously staying warm or cool depending on the season while telling Greta Turdburg to go back licking windows on the backseat of the shortbus…
Coligny wrote:Ai being based on dataset produced by humans…
I’m honestly surprised that chatGPT is not already obsessing over gassing the jews or making a religion based around rescuing stray kittens.
Grumpy Gramps wrote:I wonder what Macron is going to do. In the news, he sounds like he's going to want to pull a Tienanmen on the protesters.
Grumpy Gramps wrote:I wonder what Macron is going to do. In the news, he sounds like he's going to want to pull a Tienanmen on the protesters.
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