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matsuki wrote:J-Santas need more でぶ
Mike Oxlong wrote:
Screwed-down Hairdo wrote:Mike Oxlong wrote:
This is pretty fucked, heading in the Japanese direction of cutesy but fucken impractical, especially when you need a robot to stop a nuclear reactor meltdown, but have to resort to throwing buckets of water out of helicopters instead because your most advanced robot is one that can wink and wiggle its hips.
Merkin robots should be brutal killers that violently overpower their grossly outgunned foes....
wuchan wrote:[
This is pretty fucked, heading in the Japanese direction of cutesy but fucken impractical, especially when you need a robot to stop a nuclear reactor meltdown, but have to resort to throwing buckets of water out of helicopters instead because your most advanced robot is one that can wink and wiggle its hips.
Taro Toporific wrote:*COSTCO Japan has had all their Christmas crap out since Sept.
キリストとサンタがサメでサーフィンをしているセーター (Sweater Christ and Santa surfing with sharks)
@dasasweater Via Japanese[i] twitter
Coligny wrote:With a “danger don’t climb the crab” sign in the left corner... furevar japanz...
... and don't let her crabs crawl on you.
Taro Toporific wrote:Coligny wrote:With a “danger don’t climb the crab” sign in the left corner... furevar japanz...
Yep, and don't let her crabs crawl on you.
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