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Catoneinutica wrote:He sounds like the quintessential kulak. You know the routine, nigga: from each according to his ability, to each according to his need, so at least one of those houses needs to go to someone who doesn't have one. It's the way - the shining path! - toward a fair and equitable society.
Coligny wrote:Nope, just a defrocked communist... but i wouldun't want to interrupt your daydreaming...
Samurai_Jerk wrote:My dad's pretty well off but I've got 4 siblings and a step mother that will almost certainly outlive me so I'm not expecting shit. My retirement plans is to die before retirement age. Given my lifestyle it's very achievable.
tone wrote:i love hearing people talk about inheritances
cant say i dont think about my own... maybe partly why im so antagonistic towards christianity and the beach house my family didnt have as a result - 10% a year times fucking forever
IparryU wrote:so step mum is younger than you or do you eat McyD's all day and booze all night?
Catoneinutica wrote:What part don't you understand? If he has two houses while others have none, in a socialist state he's a kulak. Ipso facto. Any sincere communist/socialist would argue that he should give one of them up for the social good. Maybe both of them, because he's had two for so long.
gkanai wrote:Often when various Japanese women hear I'm from Manhattan, they ask me, "Is New York City like 'Sex in the City'?"
I immediately know they are F'd.
That people would believe the fantasy of TV is astounding.
New York City is well-known as one of the toughest cities to live in. You're barely scraping by making 6 figures.
The women in that TV show live as if they are making well above 6 figures, which maybe only the lawyer lady could really earn.
Television: turn it OFF already!
Coligny wrote:You really should stop getting shitfaced on pipe cleaner. To avoid going cold turkey I recommend stepping down a bit with regular anti freeze at first. Then we can proceed with rubbing alcohol and v.a.g. G12 coolant. After that you can enter a normal rehab clinic...
Catoneinutica wrote:I recommend for you one 'o them newfangled SSRIs or even newerfangled SNRIs. You might have to resort to drooling-inducing dosages, but it'd be worth it! Have the doc write scripts for multiple family members - even though all those delightful meds are going to you - so that it's covered by insurance. And tell your mom to quit texting me.
Catoneinutica wrote:I recommend for you one 'o them newfangled SSRIs or even newerfangled SNRIs. You might have to resort to drooling-inducing dosages, but it'd be worth it! Have the doc write scripts for multiple family members - even though all those delightful meds are going to you - so that it's covered by insurance. And tell your mom to quit texting me.
Catoneinutica wrote:I recommend for you one 'o them newfangled SSRIs or even newerfangled SNRIs. You might have to resort to drooling-inducing dosages, but it'd be worth it! Have the doc write scripts for multiple family members - even though all those delightful meds are going to you - so that it's covered by insurance. And tell your mom to quit texting me.
Coligny wrote:D00d, you solve your crackwhore problems by yourself, no need to play the internet toughie if it's to piss yourself from mornin after guilt at the first white trash who blows you.
chokonen888 wrote:Talk of hookers, call girls, blow and goats.I love FG
Catoneinutica wrote:Coligny wrote:D00d, you solve your crackwhore problems by yourself, no need to play the internet toughie if it's to piss yourself from mornin after guilt at the first white trash who blows you.
Ugh. Like many far better men (and at least one fantastical woman!) before me, I needs myself a C-man break...
Last visited:23 Sep 2012 23:22
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