California still burns, much of LA is on fire, dust, flames, ash and hellfires turning a city into toxic fumes
and they wonder why it all flops, Japan anime sells again, small indie European and smaller US studios win, Japanese cartoons and Manga. South Korean shows are starting to dominate, even Communist China is seen as Chinese Hip, begins to outsell Hollywood on the world stage.
Movies Flop, Hardback Comics dying, the Comic Book Sales Rankings are down...Video Game companies continue to sabotage their own products?
a Monkey playing a human?
the Aussies the Britbongs and a Hollywood studio push nonsense,
'Better Man'
it seems to be some Planet of the Apes CGI monkey and some BoyBand pop star nobody knows ... /rankings/
Australians pay hundreds of millions in taxes to fund these types of films?
Robbie Williams’ $198m biopic Better Man becomes first box office bomb of 2025
Some of the BigTech people change their minds
Zuckerberg opens the door on Facebook and Instagram to labeling gays or transgender people as 'mentally ill' ... b4585.html
Virtue signals over and Cancel-Culture gone?
Zuckerberg dumps Facebook fact-checkers after ‘too much censorship’ ... -antiwoke/
How the fake Hollywood budget model got exposed
Godzilla 2023 with a Budget $10–15 million shows you don't need to spend 250 Million on box office hits
Shogun beats Hollywood, wins all the awards.
Keep changing the Supermen and Spider-Men make them Tranny Black maybe islamic lesbian gay for the Blackrock DEI SJW quota?
We wuz Samurai.
will it have a tv show movie theme tune... Negrophiles? Kravitz stated, "I don't know what it's called yet, it felt like Negrophilia, and then... it felt like something else."
More than just Eminem, and Rachel Dolezal, Ethnomasochism and weird Marxist Elite Bolsevik ideas of Racial fetishism is sexually fetishizing a person or culture belonging to a specific race or ethnic group.
the talk of negrophilia derived from the French négrophilie that means "love of the Negro".
Negrophilia was never really about the Negro but about France, its needs, its wants and desires.
— T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting
Négritude from French "nègre" and "-itude" aimed at raising and cultivating Afro Congoid Negroid "black consciousness"
Blackfishing can be called the modern iterations of France Negrophile movement
blame the audience from Hollyweird
an angry homosexual from Tinseltown blames women
or maybe he has issues, rumors online said was a creepy pedophile trying to drug and kidnap kids?
‘The Flash’ Director Andy Muschietti Claims Scarlet Speedster’s Solo DCEU Film Failed Because Women “Aren’t Interested In Flash As A Character” ... character/
special Chosen Person the psycho Miller's off-screen life has been marred with multiple controversies and legal issues. Since 2022, they have been accused of committing assault, burglary, disorderly conduct, harassment, and grooming of minors, resulting in multiple widely publicized arrests, citations, and restraining orders.
the comicbook superhero thing has collapsed James Gunn has a lot of work to save WB and DC
and now much of LA burns to the ground