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GomiGirl wrote:What is the Brides real name? I saw an interview with Uma last night or the night before and she said that it is mentioned only once in the movie. All other times it is beeped out....
Caustic Saint wrote:I'd have to watch it again .
Caustic Saint wrote:I'll check it out when it comes to Korea...
jim katta wrote:"KILL BILL"
Surprised that I haven't seen a thread here on this, so I figured I'd whip one up. In my opinion, despite what the director Tarantino says, I think the film borrows way more from Hong Kong cinema than anything Japanese.
Yeah, he used some Japanese actors, but the overall style is completely Hong Kong.
I suspect he's referencing Japan for cool points rather than it being his real source influence.
Everytime he does an interview, it's clear that what he's really talking about (regarding his love for old asian flicks) are the films that came out of Hong Kong. Yes, I know that "now" he cites actual japanese films, but I've been following Tarantino from the beginning, and he always mentioned Chinese films before.
I guess it became to trendy for American directors to reference Hong Kong directors, so in a bid to be different he switched to japan. Yes, I believe that Tarantino can be that contrived.
Still love his work though (except for the dead n--ger storage bit).
Anyway, just curious to know what people think of the film.
One very weird side note. I noticed that the japanese actress Chiaki Kuriyama (Battle Royale) is in the film. Interested in seeing finding out what other films she's been in I typed her name into Google and got back a link to a picture book from her early days. Uh, hello, it was basically child porn! Seriously, I know japanese women often look younger than their age, but this was clearly a girl 12 years old or younger in a commerical photo book in pics where she's topless and in seductive (?) poses. Uhm, can some japanese native explain to me how 1)child porn is seemingly okay in japan, and 2)how that same child porn model can then go on to become a major japanese film star and no make mention of this? Maybe I'm overreacting, but I was just really surprised and offended to see that she had been exploited like that at such a young age.
]Back on subject, I've seen extended clips of "Kill Bill" and it looks great, can't wait to see it.
groovewonder wrote:You've got entirely too much free time if you can write a post like that. What did you do? Take notes in the theater?Anyway, interesting post, nonetheless.
Naniwan Kid wrote:Awsome post. I agree 99% with what you said. Kill Bill is easily the most fun I have had in a movie theater ina couple years. February is too far away.....
kamome wrote:I don't know, I think you guys come off way too complimentary on this film.
NeoNecroNomiCron wrote:The matrix is out next week I am going to go broke here in Japan the cinema is taking all my money.
NeoNecroNomiCron wrote:A bit to much gushing of blood. Do people really spray that much when they have their heads cut off?
kamome wrote:Caustic: Actually, Japan will also be part of the world release at 11PM this Wednesday. It's already sold out. I reserved tickets for this Saturday's matinee showing. I suspect NeoNecro had the same difficulty getting tickets for the premiere.
kamome wrote:Caustic: Actually, Japan will also be part of the world release at 11PM this Wednesday. It's already sold out. I reserved tickets for this Saturday's matinee showing. I suspect NeoNecro had the same difficulty getting tickets for the premiere.
A bit to much gushing of blood. Do people really spray that much when they have their heads cut off?
Caustic Saint wrote:Ah, cool deal. I'm sure there'll be a flurry of posts bursting forth from Asia about 1:30AM Thursday.
NNNC, try at your local cinema. Lots of theaters now sell tickets (especially for big releases) 3-7 days in advance. The problem I've found is that many people in Korea buy their tickets online, sometimes selling out a show without anybody even buying a ticket at the theater. Does Japan have this problem too?
kamome wrote:Caustic Saint wrote:Ah, cool deal. I'm sure there'll be a flurry of posts bursting forth from Asia about 1:30AM Thursday.
Yeah, I just hope there are no spoilers in those posts. I haven't seen any trailers or interviews (unlike the 2nd movie, which was so hyped in magazines and stuff, we all knew what the cool scenes were going to be).
Caustic Saint wrote:The "loader" was in Reloaded in one scene, so if you caught it you already know it exists. Not that big of a spoiler.
kamome wrote:I don't know, I think you guys come off way too complimentary on this film.
It's definitely not one of QT's best films. Doesn't have the cool dialogue, or great acting, of his other films.
And why would two people from America be speaking Japanese to each other anyway?
The wire action was fake looking and overdone. We've already seen wire action in so many films (Matrix, Crouching Tiger, etc.), and the wire action in Kill Bill seemed gratuitous and over-the-top compared to the others.
It just seemed too unlikely for Uma's character to be able to do such acrobatics.
Great action, and I also liked the use of non-linear time progression. I guess I'll go see volume II, but only because I don't like the waiting after a cliffhanger.
" wrote:kamome wrote:A bit to much gushing of blood. Do people really spray that much when they have their heads cut off?
American Oyaji wrote:If yall will remember, way back when the first teasers for Kill Bill came out, there is a scene where Uma's character is fighting in a bamboo forest and her opponent, an old man, jumps and LANDS on her BLADE and just stands there.
That scene will be in Vol 2 no doubt.
American Oyaji wrote:If yall will remember, way back when the first teasers for Kill Bill came out, there is a scene where Uma's character is fighting in a bamboo forest and her opponent, an old man, jumps and LANDS on her BLADE and just stands there.
That scene will be in Vol 2 no doubt.
BlazeAlpha wrote:"The Origin Of O-Ren Ishii" is a chapter I liked the least because I wasn't happy with the style of the anime they went with. I was looking for the anime to be stylized like "Ninja Scroll", or "Ghost In the Shell".
BlazeAlpha wrote:Ha Ha Ha, give me a break. Wire work doesn't get more over the top than CTHD and the Matrix. If you ask me Kill Bill's wire work is tame in comparison to those films. Kill Bill wire work is more along the lines of what Shaw Brothers did with their films.
BlazeAlpha wrote:I gather most people on this board have NEVER seen a Shaw Brothers film before which becomes obvious from the comments I've read.
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