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The fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole (or even of every proper part). For example: "This wheel is made of rubber, therefore the vehicle to which it is a part is also made of rubber." This is clearly fallacious, because vehicles are often made with a variety of parts, many of which may not be made of rubber.
The spenders in the top two countries – South Korea and Japan – give different amounts to government and nongovernmental organizations.. South Korea's government, for example, spent $52 million last year while nongovernmental spending totaled $10 million. In Japan, its government spent $6 million while nongovernmental spending was almost $33 million.
우리의 조상은 곰이 마늘을 먹고 인간이 되었다는 너무나 비과학적인 형상으로 대한민국의 정체성을 말살시키는 어처구니없는 단군신화 왜곡 장면이다.
개국 이래 조선조 말엽 고종 때에 이르기까지 단군은 우리의 국조였고, 우리는 단군의 자손이었다. 그런데 일제강점기 35년을 거치면서 일제는 한민족의 유구한 역사를 일본 역사보다 짧게 하려고 식민사학자들을 이용하여 위대한 단군의 역사를 신화로 변조한 것을 70년이 지난 지금도 그대로 믿고 있는 어른들이 안타깝다.
대표적인 식민사학자 이병도는 죽으면서 단군은 신화가 아니라 실제 인물이라고 참회했다. 마지막 조선 총독 아베 노부유키는 다음과 같이 예언했다. "우리는 패했지만, 조선은 승리한 것이 아니다. 장담하건대, 조선민이 제정신을 차리고 찬란하고 위대했던 옛 조선의 영광을 되찾으려면 100년이라는 세월이 훨씬 걸릴 것이다. 우리 일본은 조선민에게 총과 대포보다 무서운 식민교육을 심어 놓았다. 결국은 서로 이간질하며 노예적 삶을 살 것이다. 보라! 실로 조선은 위대했고 찬란했지만, 현재 조선은 결국 식민교육의 노예로 전락할 것이다. 그리고 나 아베 노부유키는 다시 돌아온다.”
Wags once again enlightens me but that just makes it an even more bizzare brand name for a "nature brand" from Korea who's claim to fame is being from Jeju island. Reminds me of the "Florida" brand orange juice and snacks I saw in the US that were coming from China...but with much less to gain with the deceptive name. I've never heard of that isle before but it didn't help that my friend (Japanese, not Korean) told me the name was a mishmash of the founders name and freedom.
Takechanpoo wrote:우리의 조상은 곰이 마늘을 먹고 인간이 되었다는 너무나 비과학적인 형상으로 대한민국의 정체성을 말살시키는 어처구니없는 단군신화 왜곡 장면이다.
"Our ancestor is a ridiculous scene of Dangun myths distorting the identity of the Republic of Korea in a very unscientific form that a bear eats garlic and becomes a human."개국 이래 조선조 말엽 고종 때에 이르기까지 단군은 우리의 국조였고, 우리는 단군의 자손이었다. 그런데 일제강점기 35년을 거치면서 일제는 한민족의 유구한 역사를 일본 역사보다 짧게 하려고 식민사학자들을 이용하여 위대한 단군의 역사를 신화로 변조한 것을 70년이 지난 지금도 그대로 믿고 있는 어른들이 안타깝다.
"From the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty to the end of the Joseon Dynasty, Dangun was our national treasure, and we were descendants of Dangun. However, after 35 years of Japanese colonial rule, it is regrettable that 70 years after the Japanese imperialism has changed the history of the great Tangun into myth by using colonial historians to shorten the history of Korean people to Japanese history."
this average korean high school teacher insists that the imperial japan distorted their mythology in the colonial period to make korea less classy. but it seems that the base of the insist is...대표적인 식민사학자 이병도는 죽으면서 단군은 신화가 아니라 실제 인물이라고 참회했다. 마지막 조선 총독 아베 노부유키는 다음과 같이 예언했다. "우리는 패했지만, 조선은 승리한 것이 아니다. 장담하건대, 조선민이 제정신을 차리고 찬란하고 위대했던 옛 조선의 영광을 되찾으려면 100년이라는 세월이 훨씬 걸릴 것이다. 우리 일본은 조선민에게 총과 대포보다 무서운 식민교육을 심어 놓았다. 결국은 서로 이간질하며 노예적 삶을 살 것이다. 보라! 실로 조선은 위대했고 찬란했지만, 현재 조선은 결국 식민교육의 노예로 전락할 것이다. 그리고 나 아베 노부유키는 다시 돌아온다.”
"Lee Byeung-do, a representative colonial historian, died, and he repented that Dangun was not a myth but a real person. The last Chosun governor Nobuyuki Abe predicted: "We are defeated, but Chosun is not a victory, I promise, that it will take a hundred years to get back to the glory of the old Joseon, Chosun was great and splendid, but Japan planted more fearful colonial education than gun and cannon in Chosun and I will return to Nobuyuki Abe again. "" ... xno=574521
what a huge logical leaping lays down there? huh?
On Monday Krasnodar midfielder Mamaev and Zenit Saint Petersburg forward Kokorin attacked two Russian trade ministry officials in an upscale Moscow cafe.
Video footage showed one of the officials, Denis Pak, being hit with a chair while eating a meal. The players also reportedly hurled ethnic slurs at Pak, who is an ethnic Korean.
'racist' assault
Greji wrote:I lived there for around 14 months and I concur with that notification.....
South Korea's foreign minister has intervened over a provincial proposal to apply stickers to some Japanese-made items in schools as "made by a Japanese firm responsible for war crimes".
South Korea and Japan are both democracies and U.S. allies faced with an increasingly assertive China and the long-running threat of nuclear-armed North Korea.
But their own ties have remained icy for years due to bitter disputes over history and territory stemming from Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean peninsula, with forced labor and wartime sexual slavery key examples.
Now 27 members of the Gyeonggi provincial legislature have proposed ordering all schools in the region to put stickers on items such as cameras and photocopiers made by Japanese firms they believe are implicated in abuses.
They have put together a list of 284 companies, including household names like Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Hitachi.
"These Japanese companies caused Koreans serious harm during colonial rule," the label would read, "taking their lives and causing physical harm and financial damage by organizing forced labor, among other actions."
Gyeonggi surrounds Seoul and is one of the South's richest provinces, with a population of 12 million people -- almost a quarter of the national total.
Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha told the national assembly Thursday that the proposal needed to be "reviewed with caution" and "diplomatic relations should be taken into consideration".
Japan maintains that all historical compensation issues between the two nations were settled under the 1965 treaty that re-established diplomatic relations, which included a reparations package of about $800 million in grants and cheap loans.
Conservative South Korean lawmakers have criticized the proposal, with Kim Jeong-hwa, a spokeswoman for the minor opposition Bareunmirae party saying in a statement: "We urge the ruling party to differentiate the past and the present, as well as our diplomacy and our emotions."
She also accused the Moon administration of spreading anti-Japanese propaganda to "cover up its incompetence."
The Korea Herald newspaper condemned what it called "outmoded nationalism" in an editorial Friday, pointing out that the war ended more than 70 years ago and some companies had since changed hands.
"Their current employees can hardly be said to be related to the war or war crimes," it added.
The dovish South Korean President Moon Jae-in -- who brokered talks between Washington and Pyongyang -- has stressed the independence struggle against Japan is at the heart of national identity in both Koreas, while framing the South's right-wing as the descendants of pro-Japanese collaborators.
Earlier this month, he said: "The task of setting history right is what is needed to help our future generations stand tall."
The Gyeonggi educational department has come out against the sticker proposal, but the provincial assembly is due to discuss it next week.
Russell wrote:One can only hope that the Koreans adopt these stickers, because it shows the whole world how crazy they have become. Jeez!
the independence struggle against Japan is at the heart of national identity in both Koreas, while framing the South's right-wing as the descendants of pro-Japanese collaborators.
Earlier this month, he said: "The task of setting history right is what is needed to help our future generations stand tall."
That's just on the first floor....Russell wrote:Greji wrote:I lived there for around 14 months and I concur with that notification.....
And then to think there are at least 12532 more of those rooms there...
Harry Harris, Washington's envoy to South Korea, has been subjected to heated vitriol on social media and by anonymous netizens for his mustache.
matsuki wrote::keyboardcoffee:
Starting the relay there and they really didn't expect this shit?
Buraku wrote:Tokyo 2020 Olympic Composer Admitted to Torturing Disabled Children ...Blame Korea? ...'made him eat shit and then performed a belly- to-back-drop wrestling move on him.' ... o-problem/
wangta wrote:Takechanpoo wrote:3 black american women made a fuss on the k-train. they seem to be english teachers not tourists, by the way.
my guess is that a pile of the korean notorious barefacedly verbal racism toward non-korean and non-whites had them did this thing.
Yeah but the loss of control shown by the women aint to be commended. They could have just filmed the Korean cunt saying his racist shit and smiled at him, all the while calling him a little simian mutherfucker politely.
TennoChinko wrote: Former ‘comfort woman’ hugs Trump at state banquet in Seoul
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