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Grumpy Gramps wrote:OTOH "no vax, no fly" is something I can totally subscribe to.
Taro Toporific wrote:Grumpy Gramps wrote:OTOH "no vax, no fly" is something I can totally subscribe to.
I am on the "List" for the second tranche after the frontline nurses and doctors get the vaccine.
I'm more than willing to be a guinea pig...I'm more than proud to help prove the vaccine{s} effectiveness {it will be cool to make my marginal life worth a shit}.
Taro Toporific wrote:Grumpy Gramps wrote:OTOH "no vax, no fly" is something I can totally subscribe to.
I am on the "List" for the second tranche after the frontline nurses and doctors get the vaccine.
I'm more than willing to be a guinea pig...I'm more than proud to help prove the vaccine{s} effectiveness {it will be cool to make my marginal life worth a shit}.
blabby wrote:[Sorry if I am a little off topic, but I have chronic asthma so technically I should be "high risk". Does anyone know what the procedure will be to get the vaccine as soon as possible in Japan? Is there some kind of "list"?
Grumpy Gramps wrote:Not that Jane Gooddall wasn't highly criticised for how she acted around these chimps, but like in her case, hindsight will show a glimpse of the truth,,, maybe.
I think, it's going to be like always, SARS, swine flu, what else? First year it's a big thing, next year it's included in your regular flu jab and nobody mentions it. I still remember the bird flu 2004 (?~ish), when my doctor urged me to get that very special shot, our little hospital looked like a lazaret in a war zone and it was not fun at all, but my wife was denied, she was not sick enough to qualify. I guess it's going to be similar this time around.
Mike Oxlong wrote:Let's just hope there are no infertility, cancer, CNS/PNS or other health effects long term, huh? That is a helluva gamble...
AstraZeneca's Dosage Error Casts a Cloud of Doubt around Entire COVID-19 Clinical Trial
NHK wrote:...The revision says people are obligated to make efforts to receive the coronavirus vaccine, and inoculations will be carried out by local municipalities. The Japanese government will fully pay its costs.
If the vaccines are found to cause health problems, the government will pay for the treatment. It will also compensate drug companies for any damages they have to pay to those who have health problems....
omae mona wrote:How predictable that the same people that posted nonstop for weeks in 2011 that everybody in Tokyo was going to die of radiation poisoning from Fukushima are back again in 2020 telling us the doctors and scientists are all wrong, again.
blabby wrote:Thanks to the amazing success of vaccination programs and modern medicine, we now have the luxury of travel to almost everywhere without the need to show proof of vaccination.
Grumpy Gramps wrote:Maybe influenced by the modern tech industry? "Move fast and break things", use the consumer as a beta tester etc.
matsuki wrote:[ As I expressed above, it's not enough concern that I would refuse to get it but it's enough that I don't want to be part of the first waves of it rolling out. (and we likely many of us won't be since those in the medical field and at risk will be the first to get it)
blabby wrote:omae mona wrote:How predictable that the same people that posted nonstop for weeks in 2011 that everybody in Tokyo was going to die of radiation poisoning from Fukushima are back again in 2020 telling us the doctors and scientists are all wrong, again.
It's an unfortunate consequence of our social media lifestyle.
Many people happily consume substances that are KNOWN to cause harm every weekend. People take all sorts of medication and even self-medicate without even thinking about pharmaceutical testing protocols. But suddenly these same people are seriously concerned that trials carried out over multiple months by world-class pharmaceutical companies with almost 50,000 participants are somehow seriously flawed.
Coligny wrote:blabby wrote:omae mona wrote:How predictable that the same people that posted nonstop for weeks in 2011 that everybody in Tokyo was going to die of radiation poisoning from Fukushima are back again in 2020 telling us the doctors and scientists are all wrong, again.
It's an unfortunate consequence of our social media lifestyle.
Many people happily consume substances that are KNOWN to cause harm every weekend. People take all sorts of medication and even self-medicate without even thinking about pharmaceutical testing protocols. But suddenly these same people are seriously concerned that trials carried out over multiple months by world-class pharmaceutical companies with almost 50,000 participants are somehow seriously flawed.
Current mortality rate of covid 19: 0.05%
Current framing device: masquerading gene therapy as "vaccine"... so, if you are against it, you are an anti vaxxer flat earther creationist... right ?
As of today, number of treatment against human ailment using gene therapy available for prescription: 0
Current call to authority in the thread: 3
"World class pharmaceutical companies"
The science on the field is still so new that the paint is not even dry yet (nor the color chozen in fact)
The doctors show a notable level of discord, starting with the fact that you don't push massive vaccination using yet unproven methods, of an untested drug developped in less than a year for a negligible mortality rate.
The pharmaceutical companies of world class have already shown their only goal being to stuff their shareholders with remdesivir, a drug without benefit, with toxic side effect, dangerous to administer -intraveinous only-, sold to governement only under the legal umbrella of being exempt of any liability in case of issues coming from the use of their products.
Your jab at recreation al activity show the same contempt against personnal responsabilty as usual.
People are idiot who take risks, so they have no right to complain when 'WE' smarter people push anything onto them because we know better anyway.
The standard sociopathic narcissists, hiding their ego behind argumentum ad verecundiam. Or in this case appeal to false authority...
I'm going to leave this here, because Omae Moron already rewrote my position on the glorious Fukushima's disaster management and I can't again waste energy restating in detail what I said , tldr: a disaster is no reason to shit on rules and regulations, no matter the level of pseudo science shovelled into what could look like argumentation, but, he's happy, we are not all dead so he was right on everything. That's the issue in arguing with morons, first they drag you to their levels, then they beat you with experience.
once again I will be called at fault for stirring things up... posting aboot Russian trucks and moar...
Wipe hands on pant
with few major differences...
My statement are mostly translations or colorfull paraphrasing of major french scientists, mainly, the director of the biggest university hospital for virology in France and the former vice president of the European Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisationin in charge of vaccination policies advisory of the WHO for europe.
So when buttfucker Omae Moron and his fuckboys wargarble their way in the conversation... I'm below giving 0 fucks aboot their positions on the carpet... have yet to hear the "orange man took chloroquine, orange man baaaad, so chloroquine bad" brilliant argument or I missed it here... send the postcard to africa... they need to laugh a bit too...
omae mona wrote:How predictable that the same people that posted nonstop for weeks in 2011 that everybody in Tokyo was going to die of radiation poisoning from Fukushima are back again in 2020 telling us the doctors and scientists are all wrong, again.
omae mona wrote:.. and now back to buttfucking my fuckboys.
Mike Oxlong wrote:Highly doubt GG, yanpa, or even Taro is checking up on your moderating behaviour.
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